Happiness Begins From Within

In recent times, mental health has become a hot topic in the minds of many, literally. The generation of today is prone to a lot of internal and external factors that can deteriorate mental health, causing stress, anxiety and other health problems. It is crucial to curb this by its roots as soon as possible to avoid mental health issues to snowball and affect one’s life. 

The workplace is where a person spends up to 7 to 8 hours of their day working and interacting with colleagues and superiors. Therefore, the workplace environment plays a crucial role in ensuring employees have stable mental health. Workplace stress is a leading factor of stress in many employees and often leads to irreversible long-term effects.

To promote a healthier work environment, Lyreco has come up with some Mental Health Awareness events to ensure every employee works peacefully and wholeheartedly. At Lyreco, we put employees first so our event is exclusively prepared for the mental wellbeing of each employee at every workplace. Let’s cultivate a healthy work environment for better mental health, together!

Health Talk

Achieving happiness from within is not an easy task. However, internal happiness is the ultimate key that always ensures one’s positive mood and mind. Join our informative wellness talk and gain insights from experts on how one can achieve internal happiness.

D.I.Y Essential Oils workshop

Did you know that essential oils can improve one’s mood by at least 40%? That’s honestly a big margin! Elevate your mood today and create your own comfort scent with our exciting D.I.Y Essential Oils workshop!  

For further inquiries on our offers, click here

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