Safeguard your employees with AED in workplace

Do you know that 1 in 10 people got hidden heart diseases in Hong Kong? Every second counts when it comes to cardiac arrest!

Every second counts when it comes to cardiac arrest. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) may save lives effectively during those critical golden minutes before professional medical help arrives.

Fire Services Department: “Strive for golden treatment time and use AED machine to increase your chance of survival by 10 times#

Install a LIFE-SAVING AED in your office to:

Save Lives at Critical Moments

An AED should be within reach of 3 to 5 minutes walking distance

Safeguard Employees & Customers

Get your team and guests reassured that their safety is your priority

Build Corporate Image

A testimony of your company’s commitment on ESG

Mindray Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Mindray logo

Easy to operate – Animation for skilled and unskilled rescuer

Mindray AED

8 Seconds to Deliver The First Shock

New QShock™ technology enable a faster first shock to increase the chance of successful defibrillation.

Escalating & high energy shock up to 360J

Higher energy for subsequent shocks is recommend to increase the termination rates of refibrillation*

* in the 2015 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC, and the ERC Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015

Wide coverage of Mindray AED

More than 1,200 Mindray AED in Hong Kong covering major sectors, especially school, hospitals, public transportation and government & public institutions

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